Monthly News

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Senior Tiger Fishermen of the Zambezi

Turbo Glass have been fortunate enough to be given the main sponsorship of this years Senior TFZ (Tiger Fishermen of the Zambezi) tournament.

TFZ, Tiger tournament, fishing on the Zambezi, Olive Beadle, fishing camp on the Zambezi
The early start.

This competition will be held from the 11th to the 13th of October 2013. It is a competition with huge history and has been running for decades now.

TFZ, Tiger tournament, fishing on the Zambezi, Olive Beadle, fishing camp on the Zambezi

It is based at Olive Beadle fishing camp and is run by the TFZ committee. We fish for the elusive Tiger Fish and this year there is a twist...

Turbo Glass are putting a brand new Piranha Legend on a trailer up for grabs!!!

TFZ, Tiger tournament, fishing on the Zambezi, Olive Beadle, fishing camp on the Zambezi

YES, we are offering this great fishing boat in Zimbabwe as a prize to the angler who catches the biggest Tiger Fish over 7.75kg's at the competition (Terms and conditions apply.) So... Enter the competition, catch a lunker and leave with a brand new boat! You all have nothing to lose!!

TFZ, Tiger tournament, fishing on the Zambezi, Olive Beadle, fishing camp on the Zambezi

We have been approached by many companies in regards to co-sponsoring the event and we have come up with a great tiered system for this. It is to help with prizes, raffles and hand outs to make the tournament an even greater success. If you are interested in donating a prize or offering money in order for us to purchase items needed for the competition please do get in touch here. For a look at what you receive for your efforts please look at the tiered system here.

TFZ, Tiger tournament, fishing on the Zambezi, Olive Beadle, fishing camp on the Zambezi

This year the TFZ is going to be awesome! We have had a great response and the entries for the event are piling up! If you would like to fish please get in touch with the tournament organisers through their Facebook page here.

TFZ, Tiger tournament, fishing on the Zambezi, Olive Beadle, fishing camp on the Zambezi

We look forward to hearing from you all and hope to see many new faces at the competition!!

As always... Tight lines,

The Turbo Team!

For a look at up to date events and news please LIKE our Facebook page here.

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