Monthly News

Thursday 6 September 2012

Zambia Exhibition

Turbo Glass have now positively branched out!

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Business Exhibitors

We were lucky enough to be able to attend the Zambian twenty twenty cricket tournament held in Lusaka in August. The crowds were fantastic and there was some great cricket played all round with Lusaka South taking the honours for the first time in the competition.

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Turbo Glass Stand

Turbo Glass took up a Piranha Legend and a Coyote 180 to the competition to showcase our work and what a success it was. With our agent Andrew 'paint' Bawden doing really well on the organising of a stand and the banners and pamphlets we were in for a great surprise!

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Great Scenes

We were inundated with questions and queries from the local people of Zambia and it was lovely to be able to offer advice and opinions on all of our products and services. Fibreglass boats in Zambia are very rare at the moment and this is something we want to change. By having an agent there we have terminated the usual upsets of importing, border and travel woes. All our boats in Zambia are priced as 'landed' and all you have to do is order one, wait for the phone to ring and drive ten kilometres to collect!

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The Piranha & Coyote

We guarantee a very competitive price of our boats for sale in Zambia and why not find out more by looking at the website here? You will be able to contact Andrew off there or you can ask us any questions in regards to the build by clicking here.

Please don't forget to like our facebook page for a chance to win a Shimano Chronarch baitcaster!!

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